BLA Research Paper

Your first semester research paper is to be 2000 words and is worth 10% of your grade. This is approximately 8 pages in double spaced type of 12 point font. Your second semester paper is to be 3000 words, which is approximately 12 pages in double spaced type of 12 point font.

Here are the relevant dates for the Spring 2014 semester:

Feb 18: Topic chosen

Mar 4: Thesis defined, research question established, sources determined.

Mar 18: Outline written.

Apr 1: Outline revised.

Apr 15: First draft written.

Apr 22: Peer review written.

May 6: Final draft written.

I. Choose a topic! Present the topic in one paragraph explaining the parameters of your idea, what you know about your topic at this point, why you are interested in this topic, and any other information you want to give me. Your topic should be based on literature or history during the time period we are studying this semester. Here is a list of suggested topics to get your wheels turning, broken up into semesters. 

II Define your thesis and present your sources! Here is a form for you to use in submitting your sources and thesis statement. If you have a research question but no thesis statement, just leave the thesis statement blank, but make it clear from your research question exactly what you intend to write about. 

Research Paper Thesis Statement and Sources Form

III Write your outline.

IV Revise your outline.

V Write your first draft.

VI Do your peer review of your partner's first draft, using this form:

Ten Steps to Peer Review for the Research Paper

VII Revise your paper and turn in your final draft.