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Apollo and Daphne. Consent? |
Metamorphoses by Ovid, books 3-5
Due Dates:
Writing assignment: Tuesday in class.
Quiz: Wednesday, 7pm
Creative assignments: Thursday in class.
Creative Assignments:
You have your postcards. Now think creatively about where you might want to send them. Will you send them to members of student organizations, cultural groups, religious leaders, media people, friends and family, writers and poets, academics, librarians, or? Don't use your name unless you personally know the person you're writing to. Make sure you're writing legibly, include the Facebook address for the event, and have an address to use that is not a home address (unless you know the person). Access the shared document
AND <--- note, this is AND not OR
Do some research on poetry from the travel banned countries and Mexico. Think creatively about how you might suitable work that we can read from these places, and bring in three leads. Maybe you found the name of a translator who has worked on poetry from Venezuela. Maybe you found a web site with ancient myths from Chad. Perhaps you checked a book out of the library. You will need to add three leads to the shared document. Include as much information as you can on your leads. Access the shared document: Poetry Knows No Boundaries: Literature Selection Scratchpad and create a section for yourself. Don't delete other people's work accidentally!
AND <--- another AND, also not an OR
Write a poem for the Poetry Knows No Boundaries poetry contest. We will be publishing these, without names if you like, on the event site to generate interest in the contest. Othering of any type is your topic. Do your very best.
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By our old pal John Waterhouse |
Your final draft is due on Tuesday! My friends, here is what you need in your two pocket folder:
1. Your paper idea / topic that I marked up.
2. Your outline that I marked up.
3. Your rough draft that I marked up.
4. Your peer-edited rough draft that your partner marked up.
5. Your final draft, in 11 or 12 point, with approximately 1 inch margins, double or 1.5 spaced, with a header on the top left or right that includes your name, the date, the assignment, and the class.
If you are missing something, you can print it off again. If your partner failed to sign their peer editing work, you can help them out by doing that. If we have 100% compliance on people turning in final drafts with all the materials in folders, we will not write a third paper (unless we are prepping for the AP exam.)
AP Lang:
Go to the exam practice section of the College Board web site for AP Language and Composition. Click on the scoring guidelines for 2014 and specifically read the scoring guidelines for question 3. Then click on the link Free Response Questions, and write an essay for question 3, which is about teaching creativity. Give yourself 40 minutes and write in longhand using a pen.
For this week's quiz, take a look at this list of names of characters from books 1-5 of Metamorphoses. Pretend you have a friend who fancies him or herself creative and interesting, and wants to name his or her baby after one of these characters. For each name, give a reason why it would be a good baby name or a terrible baby name.
1. Cadmus
2. Echo
3. Narcissus
4. Minerva
5. Prosperina
6. Perseus
7. Callisto
8. Phaeton
9. Pyramus
10. Thisbe
11. Hermaphroditus
12. Andromeda
BONUS: Of all the characters we have read about this year, which name would you take for yourself? And why?
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